Understand what drives engagement amongst your
Gen Z workforce
Contemporary Multigenerational Model that addresses Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, and baby boomers.
Makes managers, leaders, and employees accountable for engagement supported by organizational enablers.
Quantified impact on business output.

Predict performance and attrition amongst teams across your organisation
Do you rely on performance data? It is a lag indicator.
W.E.-Matter’s software uses AI and ML to predict employee performance and attrition.
You can address issues and improve your performance in the next quarter.

Prescribe AI driven action plans to establish a focused approach towards engaging employees
Barely 20% of companies effectively act on the survey results.
W.E. prescribe action plans for managers, leaders, and organization in real time after the close of the survey
You can start implementing it the next day.

Establish accountability amongst leaders, managers and the organisation to engage teams and maximise performance
Manager, Leader, and Employee scorecards create accountability and organization drivers provide enablers.
A pre-populated action planning portal helps with implementation and review.
Post-survey digital training and consulting interventions are available for capability building and implementation support.

Analysis bought to you within 5 minutes of close of survey
Real-time delivery of PowerPoint reports, manager and leader scorecards, action plans, analytics dashboard, action planning portal, review dashboard, and role-based access.
Instant availability of digital training programs.
Quick access to human science consultants.