Employee Engagement Survey

If Your Employees Prosper, So Will Your Organization

Knowing your employees and their interests are the major contributing factors in understanding their alignment with your organization. Employees who feel they are valued tend to contribute more and are dedicated to the success of the organization.

Employee Engagement Survey focuses on all the diverse themes that contribute to an effective working environment for employees in the organization.

W.E.-Matter - Employee Engagement Survey Company

Assessing and enhancing your organization's health can be challenging. What if your leaders had comprehensive insight into the employee experience, the insight to emphasize what matters most, and the direction to act wisely?

we matter employee engagement survey model

Human Science

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s,

Latest Technology

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s,

Creative Touch

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s,

Thanks to our W.E. Matter Employee Engagement Survey, managers, executives, and HR teams can access employee input, feedback, and knowledge of essential possibilities. 

As a result of this visibility and our survey’s prescriptive recommendations, managers can swiftly take the most effective steps to boost engagement, fortify teams, and enhance company performance across a varied, global workforce.

With customizable survey programs covering employee engagement, lifecycle, manager & team performance, culture, and diversity & inclusion, you can monitor employee attitudes in real-time. Our employee engagement survey promises unmatched insights. 

Why employee engagement is important ?


Our Approach

W.E. Matter’s Employee Engagement Survey records details like location, tenure, function, generation, organizational level, gender, and division. It displays a dashboard of P5 Engaged Behavior which compares the Benchmark with Company and Industry. The specialty of this model is predicting performance, key talent, and attrition. It provides a prescriptive action plan portal and its implementation within 48 hours.

satisfied employee in corner working
employee engagement survey automated report

Employee Engagement Survey provides a dashboard of the entire survey to easily understand and compare the segments of the survey for further analysis.

Impact of indices like HR, Manager, Leadership, and Well-being are also measured in Employee Engagement Survey.

Employee Engagement in a Multigenerational Workplace

Is your Organization engaging with a Multigenerational human force?

W.E.-Matter’s surveys are based on the Multigenerational Model. 

Are you ready to take up one?