What happens after employee engagement survey ? 

Congratulations! You’ve conducted an employee engagement survey and obtained thorough responses. What’s next?

It’s tempting to jump right into making adjustments — after all, you didn’t conduct the survey for no reason, and you want your staff to know that you care about their opinions.

If you make changes without first thoroughly understanding what your employee engagement survey results are saying to you, you risk generating as many new problems as you solve.


Results Analysis

When the results of your employee engagement survey are released, the first thing you should do is share them with your leadership team.

Executives can discover things like which groups have inconsistent experiences with impartiality and equity by sorting results and drilling down into team data and experience by demography. Executives have a clearer sense of what employees are saying them when they look at data in this way.


Before acting, leaders must take the time to study and integrate criticism.

Feedback is crucial for understanding a company’s leadership and employee experience. Feedback can be difficult to hear. But if leaders learn from it, it can be the most essential tool for change.

Encourage leaders to pause before proceeding to absorb and process employee feedback.

Align and Set Goals

The executive team should convene again when the leaders have had time to deliberate on the data and how they want to proceed.

Before sending out the survey, leaders should have talked with employees about the goal and expected outcomes of the process.

When executives share a clear concept of what their ideal business culture is and where the gaps are, it’s simpler to get the most out of employee engagement survey data.

Transparency in Communication

The way your company reacts to the survey sets the tone for how you proceed with action.

Many of the Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For® use a cascaded strategy to implement survey-driven improvements. This process frequently begins with a message from the CEO to the entire organisation, in which the CEO may disclose high-level results, thank employees for their engagement, and pledge to taking action. 

Following that, leaders at all levels use the opportunity to openly discuss results with their teams, ideally in a way that shares more relevant details about organisational and departmental results and allows for an open debate to begin.

Establish Specific Plans for Improving Specific Areas

To create long-term gains, it’s frequently advisable to concentrate on one or two areas.

Frequently, one area is designated as an organization-wide goal, while the second is focused on department/leader level results. The most effective tactics concentrate on how management leads.

For example, survey findings that reveal communication improvement opportunities may imply a need for more meaningful interaction. These interactions may include asking questions, being present, and making eye contact rather than more meetings and emails.

From organizational culture and vision to performance and productivity, employee engagement is vital. An engagement survey approach that incorporates these stages can help your company harness its workforce’s potential. It will also improve the employee experience today and in the future.